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Pre-Exam inspiration: Looking at clocks and digits.

After looking at Jan Groover's brilliant work on cutlery and how she pictured everyday objects to almost give them value, I wanted to look at a different type of object but try to apply a similar message.

With this I found a page which features numerous images of clocks ( The reason I chose to look at clocks is because I believe they are an object that can come in different forms, as well as being something ninety-nine percent of people will use. Notably they offer great movement because, if working, they function and tick throughout the day.

This is an image featured on the website which includes the clock from the famous Musee d'Orsay museum in Paris. Although this not may fit what people regard as an everyday object, believe it still has similar qualities to what we would find with household clocks. What I immediately notice is the professional looking line forms featured within the clock's pieces which I believe creates a very visually pleasing image. The background is also interesting as it contains part of the Paris skyline which can only be an added bonus to what is a really intriguing foreground. Not only is the clock there for guidance to people wanting the time but it's also s great attraction. When creating my final pieces for this theme, this is something I hope to integrate into my work.

This is an image from the same site by an artist's account named 'tsulnagrom' in which she has pictured an ex-roommate's clock. This is the type of thing that I believe would be considered an everyday object as it's a household object therefore once the 'ex-roommate' is likely to see everyday. Like the previous clock, the line forms are something I find really interesting and they admittedly draw my eyes to look at what the time is on the clock. What I also admire about this image is how it doesn't look as though it's set up or as if anything has been moved around and therefore creates a definite natural feel. The different colours in the image such as the brown and pale/pink are quite calming colours and to me quite old-fashioned which reinforces the natural aspect. The clock is very simple and basic which could tell us a lot about the person it belonged to an therefore suggests everdya objects can represent our identies and the types of people we are. These are elements I hope to include when creating my final piece.

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